Conspiracy of Night
Start NPC: Elder Huo(538,416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission #1: Visit Master of Yin-Yang of Dreaming Cloud (549, 376)
Mission #2: Visit the house Northwest of Lake of Weeping to find Zuchien (610, 393)
Note: Remember to run near the door of the house, it not a NPC
Mission #3: Dig Zuchien's corpse for the will near the house (609, 396)
Mission #4: Return to Master of Yin-Yang (549, 376)
Mission #5: Go to the Swamp of Wraith and locate the 7 glyphs to mark them down
1st Glyph (565,435)
2nd Glyph (575,443)
3rd Glyph (578,450)
4th Glyph (587,453)
5th Glyph (591,444)
6th Glyph (582,431)
7th Glyph (585,433)
Mission #6: Master of Yin-Yang (549, 376)